African American? Black? Caribbean? African? Sometimes niche marketing can be tricky when you are dealing with demographic groups that are defined differently by different people. A good example is the desire of Advertisers to reach ‘African Americans’. This term makes perfect sense within the U.S., but can still be very wrong depending on who it is referencing. While some advertisers may only want to market their products to individuals born in America who are of African descent, the use of the term ‘African American’ rules out the Black community as a whole. The term ‘African American’ is only a subset of people within the Black community, in that there are large numbers of people in the Black community who are not African and/or were not born in America.
Website Publishers Focused On The Black Community Want Advertisers With Marketing Focused On The Black Community
Whether someone identifies as African American or they identify as Caribbean, or they identify as Black, one thing is sure, they don’t identify as Caucasian. Advertisers interested in reaching the Black community, regardless of the underlying ethnic heritage of any specific individual, should not display ads with Caucasians using their products and services. Imagine an online dating site for the Black community with Caucasians in the banner ads. What if Ebony Magazine had ‘White’ individuals on it’s cover or in it’s ads? These are just a few examples of why Advertisers need to tailor ads to accurately reflect their target demographic. What’s a bit trickier is in how to define a demographic group due to differences in societal and/or individual definitions.
Niche Ad Network Provides A Single Black Channel Ad Zone To Accommodate The Whole Of The Black Community
With the Niche Ad Network Black Channel Ad Zone, Advertisers are able to promote their products and services to any individuals who are part of the Black community as a whole. Niche Ad Network works with Publishers of sites focused specifically on the Black community, or on the African American community, or on the Caribbean community to provide ads that speak directly to their site members/visitors. The goal is to eliminate misconceptions in ad targeting due to culturally focused and/or geographically focused terms for specific demographic groups.